Sunday, February 8, 2009


erythrina crista-galli is asmall , the girth of its trunk measuring 50 cm . normally it grows 5-8 meters tall, although some individuals , such as in the argentine provinces of salta , jujuy and tucuman , can grow up to 10m . the ceibo was declared the national flower of argentina by the country executive power on december 23of 1942.

the root is taproot with nodules produced by nitrogen fixing bacteria. the bacteria live in symbiosis with the tree, facilitaing the tree absorption of nitrogen in return for organic substances which the bacteria need. the trees trunk is woody with irregular , spiny branches .these branches form alyer without definite form and die after flowering.

the tree flower in the summer ,from october to april in their native south america and from april to october in the northern hemispher . it usually blooms from november to february the red flower , arranged in inflorescences of the raceme ytpe , is pentameric ,complete ,and of bileteral symmetry . its calyx is gamosepaous , like a little red thimbile . the corolla ,like that of other legumes like common beans, is butterfly -shaped ; the largest petal , called the "stadard". is arranged in the lower part .
the two of petals called"wing" are so small that they are practically hidden within the calyx .
remaining two petals partially fuse toghther on occason and form the flowers keel or "carina";
this protects its reproductive organs . the androecuim consists of ten stamens . one free and nine united by thier filaments (gtnostemenal androecium) .
the uni carpela gynocium is welded the stamens like kinfe in the sheath .
the flower are rich in nectar and get visted by insects , which usually have two crawl underneath the carina and thus pollinate the flowers .

the trees fruit is monocarpic and dry , of the legume type and no more than afew centimeters in length . the chestant -brown seeds are cylidercal form and are arranged sparsely throughout the seedpoods interior .

the seed germ contins hypogeous cotyledons - the seeds stay underground upon germination.

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